Who We Are

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Value the Learner

Every generation brings new buzzwords to education:

#Personalization #Equity #Grit #Project Based Learning #Competency Based Learning #Socio-Emotional Learning #Inquiry Based Learning #Design Thinking #Holistic Learning #Restorative Practices #Rigor

All persist to further the same aim: Valuing the learner.

As a teacher, understanding the unique mind of each student was an integral part of my own scholastic process. This provided the foundation for deep relationships that nurtured ambition and excellence in all learners. As a principal, I venerated my teachers, challenging them to be the primary learners in the building. In turn, they transformed their classrooms from silos of isolated accomplishments into inspired forums of collective achievement.

Today, at Stepancic & Sons, we continue to prioritize relationships, ambition, and excellence as the drivers for academic success. We are direct communicators who hold tradition and innovation as partners in school design and strategy implementation. We are problem-solvers who generate and inspire solutions, finding opportunity in the complexity. We are teachers and facilitators, galvanizing collective achievement at every turn.

We are learners, first and foremost, ready to help schools, districts, and leaders actualize their visions for student-centered success.

At Stepancic and Sons, there is but one constant, one focus: We value the learner.